New program for 2024!

Tótum Revolútum, 2022-2024

Tótum Revolútum remains true to its origins. It was born out of the will of lovers of live music to find ways to connect and discover new bands, as well as to create new events related to culture in general and music in particular. 

Tótum Revolútum, organizers and promoters of the music festival with the same name and with eight editions already under its belt, embarks again on a crusade for quality live music, this time organizing a series of monthly shows that will be held in Auditori Calàbria 66 in Barcelona. Tótum Revolútum spearheads this initiative, which revolves around the promotion and dissemination of music genres like Progressive Rock, Post Rock, Jazz, or any other high-quality and open-minded style. That said, Tótum Revolútum does have any autoimposed restrictions in terms of musical styles, yet it advocates for bands with their own music.

Having recovered from the pandemic, seemingly for good, the new era 2022-2024 will again see the organization of a series of monthly shows full of great music. Hence, Calabria 66 will become again the meeting point of music lovers enjoying amazing bands of the Catalan and Spanish scenes. Brace yourselves for the great shows of bands like Nuumu Code, Etérea, Noah Histeria, or Ethic Labs; as well as a new show-activity concept that we'll share with you thanks to the collaboration of the legendary band Pegasus.

Bands and dates

Cheeto's Magazine (SURPRISE!) - July 15, 2024

Ethic Labs - May 18, 2024

Pegasus, simfonia d'una gran banda - May 16, 2024

Noah Histeria + Aberhosan Mystery - April 20, 2024

Etérea + Nuumu Code - February 10, 2024

Aran Prog Project + Golconda - December 16, 2023

Fusion Code - November 25, 2023

Ekzilo + Sergio Del Boccio - October 28, 2023

Aberhosan Mistery - June 17, 2023

Gravity Fields - May 20, 2023

Abraham Sarache + Mixu - April 22, 2023

Mux - February 11, 2023

11Bis - December 17, 2022

Serapis Project - November 12, 2022

Back To R'lyeh + Time Lost - October 8, 2022

Vidus - September 10, 2022

If you are users of Deezer, you can also enjoy the official playlist there

Join us!

Pics from 2022-2024

The venue

Calàbria 66 in Barcelona offers to distinguished spaces, both equally suited to the festival. On the one hand, the concert hall has a capacity of 180 people and has the necessary equipment to satisfy the high demand of bands and the expert audience. On the other hand, there is an open space in the ground floor which hosts a bar, merchandising stores, as well as a small stage that fits perfectly to acoustic shows. All of this following the special restrictions stemming from the COVID-19 situation we have been immersed into.